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PhilSCA Flight 2019 is Ready for Take Off

Frances Mae Ubana, Gervin Gonzales, & Paul Bryan Bagallon

August 2, 2019

The halls of the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) were filled with tears of joy and pure happiness when PhilSCA held its 44th commencement exercise last April 1, 2019 with a total of 2,090 students who did their processional march.


Due to the limited capacity of the plenary hall, the ceremony was divided into two parts: the morning consists of the ILAS, ICS, and IGS department while the INET and Flying School Department graduated in the afternoon.


This year’s theme was “The Aviation Impetus: Achieving Speed and Direction Towards greater Altitude”.


Hon. Samuel David, country manager of IATA Philippines and MGen. Ricardo Banayat (Ret) of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines graced the event as the guest speakers delivering quotes of wisdom and inspiration for the graduates of the year.


On his keynote speech, BSAIS Summa Cum Laude Stephen Francis Angelo Tejada addressed his morning co-graduates: “Failure may seem intimidating especially when the risks are high, but this does not mean the end. Failure teaches us valuable lessons in life. We must always be open to each teaching, as its lessons are hard beating and heavy and will always come unexpected.”


On the afternoon ceremony, Jo Antonnette Cruz, BSAMT Magna Cum Laude dedicated her speech to those who helped her and her fellow graduates traverse the road to their dreams: “Dear parents and guardians, your endless support has given us inspirations and dedications to achieve our goals. Our diplomas and achievements are the fruit of your sacrifice and hard work. This commencement exercise is not really for us. All these we offer you, for you are the true stars that shine unto us since we started our journey.”


Yearly, PhilSCA maintain its competitiveness in producing quality graduates in the field of aviation evidenced by the recently concluded Aeronautical Engineering board exams to which the college reigned supreme among other aeronautical schools. The growing population of aviation allied professionals poses a difficulty in placing these graduates to a suitable job on the proper field of their study. In his speech, college president Prof. Marwin M. Dela Cruz assured the graduates that the “aviation industry has open future opportunities” for them and reminded the fresh graduates to give back to the people: "Always have the grateful heart to serve the government that provided you with free education... What you have to do then is to bring back that generosity of the government to the people"


The ceremonies ended with a reveling crowd of graduates swarming the stage for one last photo ops with their class buddies they had been with for the last 4 or 5 years.

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